I have another Thursday at 8 p.m. at Innisfree Pub here in town. Years ago a friend of mine suggested I have a signing in a bar (thank you Mr. Jones) and I'm finally doing it. I'll let you all know how it goes.
My sales statement from my first publisher from Jan.-June has finally arrived, so here are the rankings for my all-time sales (Note, all the Huddle Up figures were from before any of them were released):
1. 100 Things Crimson Tide Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die
2. Where Football is King: A History of the SEC
3. Huddle Up: Ohio State Football 2009
4. Huddle Up: New York Giants Football 2009
5. Crimson Storm Surge: Alabama Football Then and Now
6. Who's No. 1? 100-Plus Years of Controversial Champions in College Football
7. Huddle Up: Texas Football 2009
8. Huddle Up: Tennessee Football 2009
9. No Time Outs: What's It's Really Like to be Sportswriter Today
No figures for:
Huddle Up: Alabama Football 2009
Huddle Up: Michigan Football 2009
Huddle Up: Notre Dame Football 2009
Huddle Up: Oklahoma Football 2009