So I have to apologize for not doing any updates for a while, but things have been hectic. The wife and I promised ourselves that we would try and get into a new house before the start of the season, and we've done just that.
Short version: We found a house that we were really interested in, put ours on the market, ended up selling it, made an offer, couldn't come to terms, quickly looked around some more, found a house that had a very similar floor plan to the one that we almost once bought in Florida, got it, jumped through all the necessary hoops, did the Hokey Pokey and turned ourselves around, closed and finally moved (not necessarily in that order).
We love the new house and are still getting settled in, but all that on top of all the book stuff and work and you have the very definition of the word hectic.
So, here's the latest:
Sweet 16: Alabama's Historic 2015 Championship Season has been out now for a while, and I think it can be purchased in all formats. I just happened to notice that it's now available at Sam's Club in Tuscaloosa (photo at bottom), so thank you for that.
The new editions to the Triviology series, on the Cubs, Mets and Red Sox, are now out as well (photo above). I you can't find a copy in a bookstore you may want to try where you do all of your other shopping,
Finally, the updated version of 100 Things Crimson Tide Fans Should Know and Do Before They Die, which will include the 2015 season, is finished and should be out sometime around the season opener. When I get a copy of the new cover, which I believe is going to be a bit different from the earlier editions, I'll make sure to post it.
Meanwhile, I'll be unpacking, knowing that SEC media days is about, what, 6-7 weeks away?
Have a terrific holiday weekend, everyone!