A couple of days ago, I received a notice from UPS that it had a box for me at its local distribution center, but couldn't deliver it to my new address because I had recently moved.
This made absolutely no sense to me, but went and got it anyway yesterday.
The good news was that it was full of my copies of the latest update to 100 Things Crimson Tide Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. The bad news was that when I got back to the car and turned it on the warning icon for the electrical system was lit up in bright yellow.
The owner's manual only had one suggestion, call your nearest authorized service center immediately, which for me was in Birmingham, and their best suggestion was to either have it towed or not turn the car off and drive it straight there -- which I did, through a thunderstorm, and with very little acceleration. Fun.
So after a very big detour, opening this box was the highlight of my day, and it's only now I'm able to post this.
This is the second update of the book, and even though it still has the No. 12 on the helmet (which Alabama used to do because it was the program's most recognizable number due to the famous quarterbacks who wore it, long before it started counting national titles that way), I'm really glad that there's otherwise a totally new cover.
It's my fifth, and last, new book of 2016, and 24th overall. I actually don't have No. 25 planned yet, but that's cool with me as last year almost killed me getting them all done. Here's hoping everyone likes and it and we all get to enjoy a terrific 2016-17 season. Hopefully I'll have my car back before it starts.