I'm not going to list the actual number sold, but it may already be my best-selling book yet (I won't get the figures on the other books for a couple of months, but I believe "Where Football is King" will hold on to the lead).
So. the estimated Walsh best-selling list is:
1. Where Football is King, 2006
2. 100 Things, 2008
3. Who's No. 1? 2007
4. Crimson Storm Surge, 2005
5. No Time Outs, 2006
6. Return to Glory (contributing writer), 2009
Now, the real reason why I'm posting this is because a year from now I'll be keeping a very close eye on the 10 editions of Huddle Up, which will determine the future and direction of the series. I'm also curious to see how they stack up against my other titles as well.
1 comment:
Christopher- I picked up your book, "The Huddle Up edition of Ohio State Football" in a local Sams Club. I am now a member of your extended family. It puts our own Media Guide to shame. I dont know how to thank you enough for writing this great chonicle of OSU football. I would love to find "Whos No.1" I have a new respect for Alabama football. And, for you, I have to admit I did not know you existed until yesterday, I will be touting your book to every Buckeye fan I know. Thanks, Ted Whiteside----Columbus.
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